The TRF is officialy defunct and the Vice President calls for a new holiday. October 9th will be known as the official day of Kozuc Peace. To read more go to

Government Change

The government has changed in the Republic of Kozuc. Liam is the new president who will be head of all internal affairs and is the head of government. The president is the highest ranking official in the Republic and is elected every fiftth of January. Chance will be the Prime Minister who is the head of state and the military in the Republic. As Prime Minister, Chance will be able to apoint people to the supreme court, pardon anyone from any crime, be head of all armed forces,police and security forces in the Repubic and he will be able to impeach the president. The reason for this government is because of Chnace's lack of activity in the executive branch because he would rather be head of the armed forces. 

Shots Fired

Today after Riley and the other Pacific Grovian citizens were walking home four TRF terrorists attacted them with air soft guns. The five Kozucs ran through the old alley way (now owned by the Home owners association) while Tyler and his troops fired at them with there automatic air soft guns. The Vice President and his fellow Kozucs ran to his house and took a few airsoft guns and fired back. The Kozucs won the battle and restored the micronation to its normal and peaceful state.